700 Club CBN Shows

The 700 Club

As Seen On The Club

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

A New Day

The most important decision you can ever make is to accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. When you invite Him into your heart, you are born again. By acknowledging that He died on the cross for your sins, you receive forgiveness for your sins, freedom from guilt, and a fresh start. By His grace – not your own works – you are saved from eternal punishment and receive the assurance of going to heaven when your life on earth in finished.

I AM PATRICK - Instant 4K Streaming and DVD!

I AM PATRICK is the true, historical account of St. Patrick—an incredible story of kidnapping, slavery and redemption. Get your DVD, instant 4K streaming access!

Give to Operation Blessing Disaster Relief

Turkey and Syria have been devastated by the February 6 earthquake. Storms and freezing temperatures add to the suffering of those who have already lost so much—homes, property and loved ones. The need is desperate. Please give today.

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Monday, April 27, 2020

Acres of Diamonds: Discovering God's Best Right Where You Are

Are you in a season of life where every search for direction, encouragement, or fulfillment seems to come up empty? You thought God had you in a place to thrive and grow, but you are ready to call it quits. There has to be something better.

Friday, April 24, 2020

A Quiet Strength: The Life and Legacy of Jeannette M. Cathy

While S. Truett Cathy was building Chick-fil-A, Jeannette M. Cathy was nurturing a family and together with their faith, they built an empire based on biblical principles.

Chick-fil-A has become a national phenomenon over the past fifty years, forever changing the fast food industry in terms of food quality and customer service. Much has been written about Chick-fil-A founder S. Truett Cathy over the years, but the true, behind-the-scenes story of the Cathy family has never been told . . . until now. 

Combating Coronavirus: Building a Strong Immune System

You can combat disease internally, through your body’s own immune system—your gut! Learn how in this important News Alert.  Download now!


Full Episodes

A 10-year-old becomes instantly hooked to the images on his dad’s computer. Follow his journey from addiction to redemption on today’s 700 Club.

A girl leaves to meet a friend, but she never arrives. After 10 days, her murdered body is found by search and rescue. See one father’s impossible...

Follow the journey of Minnesota Twins' phenom Royce Lewis as he transitions from baseball's number one pick to becoming one of its top hitters....

A man receives a motivational speech from God himself. Hear more about this one-on-one encounter and the divine lesson revealed on today’s 700 Club

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