700 Club CBN Shows

The 700 Club

As Seen On The Club

Thursday, April 7, 2022

Helping the Home Front

CBN has an initiative to help active duty military families. We are coming alongside local churches by providing financial assistance to help congregations meet the needs of their military families. We aid churches in helping these families:

  • Repair their homes and cars
  • Replace broken appliances
  • Purchase new mattresses
  • Help with overdue mortgages
  • Pay off medical bills

Wednesday, April 6, 2022

Mysteries of the Anointing

This book will answer all of your questions about the anointing. It will prepare you to experience the precious touch of God on everything you do.

Tuesday, April 5, 2022

You Can Help Provide Urgent Relief to People in War-Torn Ukraine

During disasters, CBN's Operation Blessing provides for physical needs and shares Christ's love with those in crisis. Right now, we have a team working to give hygiene kits, solar lamps and water to Ukrainian refugees. Please support these efforts through CBN’s Operation Blessing Disaster Relief.

Thursday, March 31, 2022

Raising Prayerful Kids

More than a book, Raising Prayerful Kids is a tool parents can use to make prayer fit naturally into their daily routines without it feeling like a chore or a lecture. Relatable stories of the authors’ successes and failures along with fun activities and games help parents turn everyday moments into faith-filled moments that are naturally filled with prayer.

Praying with your kids can be connecting, fun, nonintimidating, and even life changing.

Prayer games
Prayer Activities

Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Blessed Mode: 90 Days to Level Up Your Faith

No matter what you're going through, one thing is certain: God is ready to bless you. Join Kel Mitchell--pastor, actor, and famed comedian of Kenan & Kel--on a 90-day challenge to receive God's blessings and become a blessing to others.

Kel knows what it's like to struggle through depression and addiction, but he also knows the power of God's presence to help you find freedom and the blessings in your life. As a youth pastor, Kel is passionate about sharing his testimony of hope with the next generation, and he wants to share it with you too.

Monday, March 28, 2022

The Deborah Company (Updated and Expanded)

Deborah, the Old Testament judge and prophetess, was filled with Holy Spirit revelation, employing divine wisdom and supernatural strategy to influence her world. She exemplified boldness, courage, and the heart of a true worshiper as she maintained balance in fulfilling her responsibilities. Deborah was an Old Testament example of a New Testament anointing that is available to all Spirit-filled women.

It’s time for the Deborahs of our time to arise, take their place, and step into their full potential!

Friday, March 25, 2022

How High is Heaven?

Children ask A LOT of questions when it comes to heaven, particularly when they’ve experienced the loss of a loved one. In this uplifting, imaginative picture book, How High Is Heaven? inspires hope and comfort in readers young and old, that heaven can be experienced here and now and is open for us all. 

Monday, March 21, 2022

Because You're My Family

BRAVE Books and Missy Robertson have partnered together to illuminate the importance of family and unconditional love in our story Because You’re My Family, which tells the story of Fiona, Arthur, and young Valor. After making a bad choice, Valor worries that his parents will never forgive him. But Valor learns that Fiona and Arthur’s love for him is not dependent on the choices he makes but something much deeper.


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