Christian Living

ChurchWatch 09/19/08

Pastor Appreciation Month in October

October is Pastor Appreciation Month, a time to honor and say thank you to the men and women who do more than any others to inspire us to grow in our relationship with God through Jesus Christ.

The writer of Hebrews encourages us to recognize the ongoing sacrifice of Christian pastors, teachers, and mentors in our lives:

Appreciate your pastoral leaders who gave you the Word of God. Take a good look at the way they live, and let their faithfulness instruct you, as well as their truthfulness. (Hebrews 13:7, MSG)

Bill Ellis of Assist News Service offers some ideas for how you can let your pastors know they are loved and appreciated.

1. Pray daily for your pastor and his/her family.

2. Daily, certainly weekly, invite others to hear them preach.

3. Ask them what you or someone else could do to assist them with their ministry and to lighten their load of responsibility.

4. If your pastor has small children and you are dependable, you could offer to baby sit for them once each month so the pastor and spouse can have some time together for a sporting event, concert or shopping.

5. Volunteer to keep a ministry scrapbook for the pastor. Clip everything that appears in the newspapers about the church and pastor. You may also want to keep a few choice pictures of the pastor, leaders and special events. One talented lady kept such a book about her pastor and church for each of 25 years. It was a valuable resource for the pastor in future years.

6. Invite your pastor to meet your friends. Take them as your guest to your clubs, organizations, community functions, political rallies, family reunions and any other place where they can meet your associates. Pastors and laymen are, according to Jesus " . . . the salt of the earth . . . the light of the world" (Matthew 5:13-14)

7. Invite them to a dinner or party with your family and friends.

8. Provide them with money and gifts to make their vacation more enjoyable. Every pastor should have at least six weeks of paid vacation/study time each year. And several months for extended travel and study every five years.

9. Be sure the church is paying your pastors the very best it is capable of doing and providing medical insurance, automobile expenses, adequate housing allowance, entertainment expenses for church business, an adequate pension plan and whatever else needs to be done to free the pastor of unnecessary burdens so he can do his best for you.

10. Support them with your attendance, participation and financial resources.

11. Remember them with a special gift on anniversaries, birthdays and at Christmas with gifts of gratitude for their service.

12. Just a brief note or phone call of gratitude for pastors can give them a lift and positive encouragement for their 24-7 job doing whatever they can to make life better for you.

Pastor Appreciation Ideas from Shop CBN

Related Resources:

How to Keep the Pastor You Love

The Lost Shepherd: Finding and Keeping the Right Pastor

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