Restoring Balance to Your Marriage

Relationships are difficult. Marriage, where we relate to the same person day in and day out, in good times and bad, can be that much more difficult.
If you’ve been married for more than six months, you know the truth of that statement. Once the honeymoon is over, real relating begins. Part of that ‘real relating’ means knowing how to restore balance when thrown off balance.
“We were doing fine, one minute,” Steve told me. “Before I knew it she was pointing her finger at me and threatening to walk out the door.”
“Wait a second, Steve,” I said. “Your wife was really fine one moment and ready to walk out the door the next? Are you sure you’re not leaving out a few steps?”
“It seemed that fast to me,” he said, defending his position. “Then before I knew it, I was talking to her the way she talked to me. I don’t go looking for a fight, but I’m not going to just sit there and take it either.”
“Slow things down a little for me, Steve,” I said. “How did you two end up in this emotional free fall?”
“OK,” he said reluctantly. “But, I think a lot of it has to do with her moods. She seems unstable to me.”
“Indeed, it may have to do with her moods,” I said. “But, I’ll bet you’re doing some things to provoke her as well. If you can understand how you get into those scrapes, you can avoid them.”
I stepped up to my diagram out their pattern.
“Walk me through it, step by step.”
“Well,” he said slowly. “Suzy started criticizing the way I was parenting our youngest child. She blamed my parenting on the way I was parented. She said I had unresolved issues from my adoption. I don’t have unresolved issues from adoption and told her so. She wouldn’t stop telling me how I’ve been hurt by it and pretty soon I lost it and told her to just shut up. She got mad at me and pretty soon we were yelling at each other.”
This encounter was, unfortunately, all too familiar for Steve and Suzy, and thousands of other couples who find themselves in a free fall, unaware of how they got there and how to get themselves out of it. Instead of being baffled by the ‘free fall,’ I teach couples to ‘slow things down’ and look closely at what they do that sends their relationship into a downward spiral.
Here are a few ideas to consider:
First, be mindful of how you interact with your mate.
We are often reactive in nature rather than taking the time to truly consider what is being said. We are reflexive, often saying the first thing that comes to our mind. This, of course, is rarely helpful.
Second, by slowing things down, we can respond rather than react.
We can practice remaining calm and listening attentively to what our mate is saying to us. We can ‘sit with’ their comments, deciding how to best respond. Scripture tells us, “A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.” (Proverbs 15:1)
Third, stop when we begin to sense a downward spin.
We can call a 'time out' or request that our mate slow down so we can process what they are saying from a calm spirit within us. Taking a break from the action almost always gives us a fresh perspective.
Fourth, use 'do overs.'
If you have said something hurtful and are on a downward spiral, consider apologizing quickly and asking your mate if you can start again. Using a soft voice, a gentle tone and a sincere heart, ask your mate if they are willing to start the conversation over.
Fifth, be clear with your mate.
Ask for what you need. Be specific about what your mate has said that hurts and what you want different. Don’t be demanding or critical, but rather clear, calm, and consistent.
Finally, use healthy boundaries.
There are some topics that cannot be talked about safely without a trained counselor present. Some topics need significant calm and attentiveness, and must be prepared for. Some topics need to never be talked about. Be wise in considering whether you and your mate have the skills to talk about the topic at hand in a healthy manner. Know when you’re in over your head.
I’d like to hear from you. Have you struggled to receive constructive criticism? Would you like to be more emotionally available to hearing concerns?