Christian Living

christmasrecipessidedishes 12/17/08

Easy Cornbread Dressing - Katie from Georgia

Total Time: 160 minutes
Servings: 20


Cornbread (10 inch skillet), crumbled
2 chicken breasts, boiled until tender and cut in small pieces
1 family size Cream of Chicken soup
1 regular size Cream of Celery soup
1 med. onion, chopped
2 cans of chicken broth
1 stick of butter, melted
Poultry Seasoning, to taste
Dash of black pepper


Cooking Instructions:

Mix all ingredients. Coat large aluminum turkey pan with cooking spray.

Bake at 350 degrees for 40 minutes or so until top is brown and sides begin to pull away from the pan.


Memorable Moment:

My husband and children look forward to my dressing every Thanksgiving and Christmas and expect to take some home with them. This makes me feel so good. I love to cook when my family loves to eat what I'm cooking.

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