A Fine Time to Shine!

STORY: Looking Back/Looking Ahead
December is the time of year we gear up toward Christmas. But as you’re reading this, your holiday celebration is starting to wind down. It’s the perfect occasion to look back at God’s wonderful works in 2018 and look ahead toward what God might have for 2019.
One thing we all love about the holidays is the shining glow of lights. They radiate. Hope. Peace. Beauty. Joy. Before the decorations all go back in the boxes, take some time to sit in the darkness with the Christmas lights on. If you don’t have any at home, drive to a neighborhood lit up with glowing grandeur. Savor the brilliance in silence. Let it penetrate your heart — your soul.
Consider how you will be a light shining in 2019. “Don’t be afraid to SHINE. There’s always someone who needs the LIGHT.” –Alita Reynolds
The word shine in the Bible when referring to God depicts Him scattering rays from afar — from a lofty place. It gives the image of scattering a glitter-like light. It is used to show how magnificent God’s flashing light is. Let’s take a look at what the Bible says about how God shines, and how we can shine.
STUDY: God Shines
Who is able to count his heavenly army? Doesn’t his light shine on all the earth? God is more glorious than the moon; he shines brighter than the stars. (Job 25:3, 5 NLT)
- Bildad, a not-so-great friend of Job didn’t get it right in his responses to Job, but these verses from his mouth are true.
- How big is God’s heavenly army? How does God’s team help you with whatever you fight during your day-to-day struggles?
- The word glorious means: worthy of fame or admiration, having a striking beauty or splendor that evokes feelings of delighted admiration. We know God is glorious. How do you glorify God?
- This passage shows us the massiveness of God. Today’s vernacular would say He’s “extra.” More glorious. Brighter than. He’s more than the sum of all else. What in your life can He not handle?
From Mount Zion, the perfection of beauty, God shines in glorious radiance." (Psalm 50:2 NLT)
- When you read this verse, what are your thoughts as you think about God? Are you inspired to worship with awe and reverence?
- As you imagine God shining in glorious radiance, what does the perfection of His beauty mean to you in your everyday life?
Be exalted, O God, above the highest heavens! May your glory shine over all the earth. (Psalm 57:5 and 57:11, Psalm 108:5 NLT)
- Exalt means: promote, praise, revere, lift up, applaud. How is God exalted above all else? How do you personally exalt God? Did this Christmas season lead you to exalt God more?
- A prayer for us as we see our country divided and our world in turmoil is for God’s glory to shine over all the earth. How can you point out God’s glory to others?
- The psalmist echoed this same wording three times. What does repetition mean to you when you see something repeated in the Bible? It’s possible this passage was a go-to phrase for the psalmist as he pondered God’s glory. What is your go-to phrase or song?
Tell everyone about God’s power. His majesty shines down on Israel; his strength is mighty in the heavens. (Psalm 68:34 NLT)
- One of the Christmas songs we hear this time of year is “Go Tell It on the Mountain.” It’s sometimes uncomfortable for us to share about God with others. How can you tell someone about God’s power in a way that helps them see God’s majesty and strength?
- When someone tells you about a way God has shined down on them, what goes through your mind?
“Arise, Jerusalem! Let your light shine for all to see. For the glory of the Lord rises to shine on you." (Isaiah 60:1 NLT)
- While this passage was specifically for Israel, it could apply to us, based on principles we find in the New Testament. What is the light burning inside of you? How do you let it shine for others to see?
- How does God shine His glory on you?
STEPS: God Shines in You
- S-Sing praises to God. Exalt Him with your words.
- H-Help others see God’s power. Tell them about a way He worked in your life.
- I-Illuminate your light in a new way. Think of how you might be hiding your light, and let it shine.
- N-Nature trails reveal God’s beauty. Take a walk and be on the lookout for God’s handiwork.
- E-Engage in conversations with others. Take a time-out from busy-ness to interact with someone who needs to see God’s shining glory through you.
Copyright © 2018 Kathy Carlton Willis, used with permission.