'Gobble Gobble' - Matthew West's Hilarious New Thanksgiving Song

Grammy-nominated artist Matthew West invites you to join his family in serenading that often forgotten holiday - Thanksgiving - with a new song.
"We all know what a hard year 2020 has been. There hasn’t been much to laugh or smile about. Kinda feels like we’ve lived five years in one. So, I decided I needed to laugh. I wrote this song, not because I thought it would be my life’s defining work (I pray it’s not!) And not because I thought it could be a No. 1 hit (although it is pretty catchy!) I wrote it simply because it gave me and my family a much needed laugh. I hope in its own weird way, “Gobble Gobble” can put a smile on your face and remind you and your family that even in the heaviest of years we have much to be thankful for. Gobble, Gobble everyone." - Matthew West
Share "Gobble, Gobble" with your family and friends, and enjoy a hearty laugh around the table (or computer)!