Christian Living

Spiritual Life


Forgiveness is the cornerstone of faith in God. Only through asking for God's forgiveness can you learn how to forgive yourself and forgive others.

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Bible Teachings on Forgiveness

Lack of forgiveness blocks access to the kingdom and to miracle power.

We all appreciate being forgiven, but forgiving others, especially when they have wounded us, feels like a different thing. While we may want...

Grudges and getting even are a normal part of the world scene, but they have no place in the life of someone who has enjoyed the mercy of God.

It is fairly common to be assailed by the thought that the unpardonable sin has somehow been committed.

There's a way to break free from anger's grasp and learn how to handle the daily situations that can lead to anger.

All Bible Teachings on Forgiveness

Questions about Forgiveness

God's perfect will is the preservation of society and future generations by the preservation of marriages. God will give anyone great help in...

Could God ever forgive me? Yes! Thankfully there is nothing too big and no person too bad for God to forgive.

Abortion is definitely wrong. It is the taking of a human life. It is my feeling that abortion is tantamount to murder.

Lying is a deliberate attempt to deceive by use of any form of untruth. By words, gestures, circumstances, or silence an attempt may be made to...

The mark of God is perfection — total perfection. Anything that falls short of His perfection and holiness is sin.

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Devotionals about Forgiveness

Forgiveness might be one of the most difficult things for people to walk in fully. Whether it's something small like a disagreement or a lifelong...

Do you find it difficult to love those who wrong you? Surely, we don't want to send the message that it's OK to betray us, do we? How does Jesus want...

It's safe to say conflict can be common in our relationships, but so is reconciliation. It's difficult to hear the voice of God or spend quality...

I am filled with a spirit of conviction and truth whenever I read from 1 John. God is always present in my life, no matter where I am or what I am...

Back in the Old Testament, a blood sacrifice was required for the forgiveness of sins, and only priests could enter God’s Most Holy Place. But Jesus’...

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Videos about Forgiveness

After years of physical abuse from her father, Lisa “Roxanne” Richardson finally had enough and left home; but the damage was already done. She...

In the summer of 97, Saundra’s daughter Cherica fell in love. Less than two years later, the very man who stole her daughter’s heart would also take...

Robert and Rebecca struggle to save a marriage marred by infidelity. But when Robert’s kidney fails, Rebecca makes a sacrifice that proves her...

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Articles on Forgiveness

Leslie’s life was devastated by abuse when she was a young girl. At 15 she was kidnapped and sold into a trafficking ring. On July 4th, 2000, a...

Did Jesus really tell us it is a blessed or a joyous thing to mourn? How can we be happy while we are grieving?

Three ways to recognize when we haven't yet forgiven.

Jesus saw the depth of our evil, was filled with compassion and allowed His body to be broken for us.

The empty cross is a Christian

Resurrection is Christ’s Peace Offering

Jesus paid the price on the cross and resurrected so that we might have peace.

All Articles on Forgiveness
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