Christian Living

Spiritual Life

Devotionals on Encouragement

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Devotionals on Encouragement

Here are three ways God calms us when our distress seems out of control.

God is a magnificent fireworks display. He is powerful and He holds nothing back from us. Take God's outstretched hand and walk with Him each...

No matter how we see ourselves, or have felt as though we have let God and others down; if you belong to God, He is not ashamed to be called your God...

Spending meaningful time with our heavenly Father increases our joy.

We don't always have to be the winner. Sometimes, it's just as satisfying to watch someone else have their moment.

Our God is very capable of bringing complete restoration in our lives just as He raised Lazarus from the dead.

Discover the ways God speaks and you will be able to hear Him more clearly.

Even in hardship, there can always be pockets of joy.

Rivers of living water flow from the hearts of those who believe in Jesus.

When we feel at a loss to do anything—be encouraged, there is strength to do a small something. We can love. Find enough love to love others...


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