Christian Living

Spiritual Life

Devotionals on Family

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Devotionals on Family

God blesses us. Others bless us. Sometimes, God surprises us when an opportunity for us to bless someone comes where we least expect to find it.

Sharing meals together provide sweet memories and family bonds that can be passed down for generations.

There is a difference between natural hope and spiritual hope.

Some of us fear failure so much we give up before trying.

As children of God, we are heirs of Christ, despite any feelings of inadequacy. There are no errors in God’s kingdom.

The writer of Ecclesiastes advises us to enjoy all our years – not just those early ones when people were making a fuss over us.

Voluptuous blonde actresses and famous well-built athletes: What do they have in common besides million-dollar salaries?

God’s plan from the beginning was to adopt us and make us part of His family.

It was scary and exciting at the same time. All seven of us huddled together in the basement, listening to radio reports on the tornado.

Those overwhelming times in life can become the greatest teachers of how to depend on Christ.


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