Christian Living

Spiritual Life

Devotionals on Grief

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Devotionals on Grief

After hearing the news of Poppa's passing, 5-year-old Matthew simply cocked his head to the side and asked, “So Poppa’s in heaven, right?”

Life can be good again, even after great loss.

God delivers the gift of supernatural comfort at Christmas.

Christmas isn't the most wonderful time for everyone.

When I see tattoos making all kinds of statements, I am reminded that God’s tattoo also makes a declaration.

The ability to forgive doesn't come naturally. When we are wronged, we want to retaliate or hate the person forever.

No matter how mad you are at a child for not answering your call, you are still at peace when you know they are safe and sound.

I'm telling myself that the tears starting to course down my face are tears of joy; but actually, they are because I miss her.

It was a private moment between the Lord and my father. And I had the privilege of observing it. 

All of us feel abandoned at times. Sometimes we forget God is still with us.


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