Christian Living

Spiritual Life

Devotionals on Healing

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Devotionals on Healing

What could ever make it difficult to share how God gave you a life-saving miracle? This.

I was so ill I couldn’t even remember my address.

Our ordinary way of life can grow so comfortable we don’t see the signs we need the doctor.

When a spouse runs a fever during a global pandemic, your mind is tempted to run to the extreme.

When we should’ve been unable to endure the storm, God’s peace held us and turned a trial into a triumph.

The bitter water at Marah was symbolic of what was taking place in the hearts of the Hebrews.

Making God-honoring decisions doesn’t begin with a formula. First, we should remind ourselves of God’s attributes.

At times you may feel insignificant in the big scheme of things. Nothing could be further from the truth.

God promises us in His Holy Word to be with us in the ups and downs of life. So we should not fear. 

What demonstration of faith would cause Jesus to say, “I haven’t seen faith like this in all Israel”?


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