Christian Living

Spiritual Life

Devotionals on Healing

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Devotionals on Healing

Absolutely nothing is impossible for Christ, and we are one with Him! 

Whether it be divorce, death, or disease — time to heal is necessary.

Make sure your prayer request doesn’t become an idol. Focus on God rather than the request.

No matter what the enemy is yelling across the battlefield, our hope is in God. We will go forth in praise to meet our foe.

Jesus responded to the man’s need without heaping unnecessary guilt on him. That is still where He meets us.

All of my pain and suffering could've been avoided if I'd simply trusted and obeyed my father to begin with. He'd never given me any reason to doubt...

The report we listen to is not the doctor's report, but the report of the Lord.

There is an experience in prayer, where as you pray, your spiritual eyes are open to a vision in the spirit realm of God.

When prompted by the Holy Spirit to lay hands on someone and pray for healing, many of us dismiss the idea for all kinds of reasons. 

When we hand over all control to Him, we can walk away with the peace of knowing that God is in control of our situation.


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