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Devotionals on Jesus

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Devotionals on Jesus

How do you think it ended up after watching his daughter receive a deliberate blow to her nose in her basketball game? Hear this dad's revelation as...

We are created for fellowship with God and designed to enjoy a deep connection with Him. Our inherent desire to love and be loved originates from a...

Do you ever experience an ardent struggle for control? Despite your belief that God has ultimate control over your life, do you sometimes find...

On her first trip to Israel, this writer discovered the short distance between Bethlehem and Jerusalem. It helped her and may help you visualize...

God lives among us, walks with us daily, and desires the very same communion with us that He had with Adam and Eve before the fall. God never changes...

Noise alerts are those noises that help us live well, that could mean little things like our alarm clocks or the sound of the microwave telling us...

What if you knew that Jesus Christ, your Savior, was returning in just three days? This devotion takes you on a journey through this profound...

Does your soul need rest today? Are you weary of doing good? Some say they don't know why they are doing good when evil is around them—it would be...

A visit to Europe might seem incomplete without a trip to at least one castle. As a man with a fond interest in all things medieval since childhood,...

Thoughtful acts of service don't have to be huge. Through humility and with the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we can daily offer ourselves in service...


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