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Devotionals on Obedience

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Devotionals on Obedience

What does faith in action look like? James says we should look at father Abraham. God told Abraham to go to an unknown land, to believe for children...

Ever get lost on a road trip? I certainly have; in fact, if I don’t carefully follow the directions on a map, I might end up completely off course!...

Waiting for His promises is not always as easy as we want, but it will always be rewarding. What I have learned after all these years is that my...

God has a purpose and a calling for each of our lives. He often leads us in ways that we don’t even realize to bring us to the right place at the...

Love is more than a romantic notion. Love is what God commands of us. Jesus said that the greatest commandments are to love God and to love...

We need to come together as brothers and sisters in Christ and seek God for what is eternally important. When we lose the things that bind us...

What are you called to do for Christ? What are you called to do for the kingdom? Whatever it is, rise up and do it. Rise up as Jesus rose and...

Learn the true essence of Pentecost: a feast of fellowship with God. As fire consumed the sacrifices in ancient times, tongues of fire descended on...

Stepping out to follow God may make us feel fearful and even foolish at times. But as Jesus taught about discipleship, He emphasized that following...

Discover how Joshua's exhortation to "be strong and courageous" can encourage and empower you in your own journey, just as it did for the Israelites...


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