Christian Living

Spiritual Life

Devotionals on Prayer

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Devotionals on Prayer

Our prayers, like the incense, should be salted, pure, and holy. They are the sweet smoke of sacrifice and are a pleasing aroma to God.

Keep praying. Keep giving. Keep trusting. The Lord hears your prayers.

When we least feel like proclaiming a shout of praise and victory, that is the time to do it.

Jesus has many names and titles in the Bible. Using them in prayer boosts your faith.

Making God-honoring decisions doesn’t begin with a formula. First, we should remind ourselves of God’s attributes.

Many times our prayers are for something to happen right now! And if our prayers are not answered right away we either get mad or lose hope and faith...

You and I were designed to be curious, and our Creator deposited in us an appetite to know more.

Be grateful that your future rests on our all-powerful, all-knowing, all-loving, and magnificent God.

As I blindly wait for God's response to my prayers, my faith has been shaken a few times.

Keeping focus in our prayer time can be tough. These tips will help you.


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