Christian Living

Spiritual Life

Devotionals on Prayer

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Devotionals on Prayer

We expect to hear from God when we're in church, participating in community prayer or worship services. But what are our expectations of our morning...

Messy situations that seem impossible can often be the perfect environment for a miracle from God. This is beautifully demonstrated through the story...

Do you feel discouraged or inadequate, in your current season or situation? We all need wisdom. We need understanding. We need discernment. We need...

Jesus tells us we must get rid of the log in our own eye before trying to remove the speck in someone else’s (Matthew 7:3-5). When we pray in unity...

It's defeating to see a loved one go through a difficult time and be unable to assist them. Whether it's their well-being or their situation, it can...

The challenges and circumstances of life often weigh on us, depriving us of the energy to live and minister as we should. When our day consists of...

This author started praying for the salvation of two childhood friends. So far, the results for each are quite different. As followers of Christ, it...

Have you ever experienced an answer to prayers you didn't pray, or perhaps received help from the Lord that you didn't anticipate? The Bible...

A new year can often symbolize a fresh start, or the start of resolutions driven and filled with promise. Mostly important of all, the new year is a...

When faced with a storm, whether literal or spiritual, it can be hard to trust that peace awaits us. Sometimes, the uncertainty of when and how God's...


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