Christian Living

Spiritual Life

Devotionals on Prayer

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Devotionals on Prayer

Do you need wisdom today? Perhaps wisdom on the job, or in your home, is what you need from God. Maybe God’s wisdom concerning your health care...

Why God? Where were you? Why didn’t you come? These words resonate with many of us as the author shares her story of grieving and hope. Know that you...

Even when we misinterpret a sign, God works through it. He is sovereign! This author witnessed God's provision through redirection and learned the...

Sometimes when you're reading the Bible, certain Scriptures may seem so foreign to you. This author never thought a verse about evil, scheming men...

Our world is changing rapidly, so it can be tempting to stay with the familiar. Yet when new doors open, we should ask Him to show us which ones to...

Envision an environment vibrant with foot-stomping and hand-clapping soul-filled worship, where the older women of the church fervently pray at the...

Imagine a fateful encounter on a rainy day that catapults you from college routine to the majestic streets of London. Follow this author's journey of...

Childlike faith carries power! Just like a child who persistently asks, you can unlock doors of opportunity and experience God's goodness when you...

Discover God's will through persistent prayer and reading His Word. When we align our prayers with His will, He hears and answers us. Through prayer...

When you take a look back at your life so far, do you see God's handprint? Can you tell where He provided for you and protected you? Join this author...


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