Christian Living

Spiritual Life

Devotionals on Purpose

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Devotionals on Purpose

Our Heavenly Father loves us and wants to show us the right path for our lives.

Life would be much simpler if it were just paint by number.

Adoption. What a beautiful concept. And it was God's idea!

Whereas the enemy has made us feel like there’s no way God could ever use or want us again, the opposite is actually true.

Jesus always viewed servanthood as a privilege. He also taught that to His disciples.

Anytime we cling to anything – even good things – other than God, they become a hindrance to the working of the Holy Spirit.

There is nothing common or ordinary about a completely surrendered heart. When we place ourselves in the Master’s hands, the possibilities are truly...

I could not figure out why God would allow bad things to happen to his children. 

Now, more than ever, there is a need for workers who are willing to sow and harvest in spiritual fields. But why is it so hard to share our faith in...

Drama ignores boundaries. Every one of us lives moment-by-moment, never able to say with certainty that we'll be free from affliction or even live...


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