Christian Living

Spiritual Life

Devotionals on Purpose

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Devotionals on Purpose

Look into the night sky with wonder and awe as you ponder God's faithfulness to His chosen people throughout the ages.

The cross wasn't going to be easy, and God didn't want His Son to lose heart, so He sent these messengers.

If we don’t deal, we won’t heal.

The difference between an action and a reaction helps us view the scene of Jesus and the moneychangers with a new perspective.

We are tested in many ways as our lives play out. God has a purpose for it.

Everyone wants to know the reason for their own existence.

Jesus wasn’t talking randomly. He wasn’t being rude in His criticism. He was making a point about how people inconsistently judge the things of God.

Our journey with God may look a lot like the epaulette’s journey out of water.

With God, everything has a purpose – even the detours. Even the difficulties. Even the desert roads.

God, the Author and creator of all that exists, has plans for us!


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