Displaying 2385 - 2400 of 3377

Passenger on the less than "Triumphant" Carnival Cruise Kendall Jenkins shares about her experience on the sweltering vessel and how her faith got...

What was King David really like? Find out what you may not know about the famous king of Israel.

Is there such a thing as a biker church? Learn about the history of Christian bikers and hear from the members of Freedom

See the importance of faith and works, as spoken word artist Jefferson Bethke shares about "The Unforgivable Sin."

Author Nancy Grisham shares how we all can thrive in the midst of hard times.

Are you afraid of what the future may hold? Join us as we explore genetic testing and the ever-growing fear of disease.

Join us at 700 Club Interactive as we discuss the difference between self-image and God's image.

Have you ever seen true evil? Learn how you can overcome it on 700 Club Interactive.

A dive into the pool's shallow end left nine year-old Josiah with four broken vertebrae and a 1% chance of survival. See how his family trusted God...

What makes a "real man"? Hear the facts and see just how men are changing

Forgetting the past is never easy, but Gordon Robertson shares how we can all find freedom from shame.

Remember the phrase, "sticks and stones may break your bones but words will never hurt me?" See how words really can hurt.

Join us at Interactive as we hear stories from the Boston bomb aftermath, and Gordon Robertson teaches on how to forgive your enemies.

Cancer took everything but her life. See why one woman chose to keep trusting God.

How powerful is prayer? One couple share how united prayer saved their family.

A late-night boating accident threatened to destroy a family and challenged one woman's faith.


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