Displaying 2657 - 2672 of 2856

What do I do if I hate hearing swearing? Is it offensive to believe that Jesus wasn't God while on earth? Is there an age where God stops healing?

How do I stop replaying something in my mind?

Gordon and Kristi answer questions about: how to pray and what to pray for.

How do I receive a baptism in the Holy Spirit? Is God's grace a gift? What is the purpose of anointing oil?

Pat answers: Are there foods that absorb fat? Do I need to stretch? Is eggplant a secret health food?

Pat Robertson answers viewer questions on researching stocks, rebalancing and the U.S. federal debt.

Pat Robertson answers viewer questions on children attending adult parties and christians getting involved with politics.

Pat Robertson answers viewer questions on seed faith, immoral friends and anointing oil.

Pat Robertson answers viewer questions: Does God want everyone to be prosperous? Has everyone heard the Gospel?

Pat Robertson answers viewer questions on dipping into savings to pay for college and shorting stocks.

I received a notice from one of my credit card companies that it's closing my account because of inactivity. Could it hurt my credit score?

My daughter is 15, and we found out that she's seeing a 21-year-old man. This guy's family has been involved with demonology. What should we do?

Now that I'm spending more time in the sun, I want to make sure I'm protecting my skin. What should I look for when I'm buying sunscreen?

My husband's family won't mind their own business, and he turns to his mother instead of me. What can I do to help?

Sometimes an unusual amount of tragedy occurs with a person. Can you help me understand why God seems so distant at times?

My employer has chosen not to continue matching the amount we add to our 401(k). Should I leave my 6 percent contribution or reduce it?


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