Displaying 2689 - 2704 of 2856

Luke 14 says I cannot be Jesus' disciple unless I hate my father, mother, wife, children. Why would God want us to hate someone?

When a husband refuses to take any kind of leadership role, what is the wife to do? If the wife takes on that role is she violating Scripture?

My husband had a year-long affair which led to our divorce. We have talked about getting back together, but I can't talk to him about important...

We are spending time in a rural area for Thanksgiving, with no gyms around. How do we keep up our exercise routine?

Three years ago my husband divorced me. Recently, he's calling me his wife again. Does God still think we're married?

How do I make it through Thanksgiving without sabotaging my diet? Pat Robertson answers this question and more.

Will exercise speed recovery or should I rest more when I have a cold? Pat Robertson answers this question and more.

Where did God Come From? How does a parent answer? Pat Robertson answers this question and more.

Is there any way to invest smartly and safely? Pat Robertson answers this question and more.

Is the ability to discern spirits a spiritual gift? How is that related to communicating with spirits? Pat Robertson answers this question and more.

How perfect must I be to witness to others about Christ? Pat Robertson answers this question and more.

How do I improve my immune system? Pat Robertson answers this question and more.

What is the difference between being humble and being a doormat? Pat Robertson answers this question and more.

What are the pros and cons of fixed and adjustable rate mortgages? Pat Robertson answers this question and more.

Is the economy here in the U.S. still fundamentally strong? Pat Robertson answers this question and more.

Sometimes I feel that the only way to be thinner and healthier is to starve. Does that ever help? Pat Robertson answers this question and more.


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