Displaying 529 - 544 of 636

In Nepal, kids can’t get enough of CBN’s children program “Happy World”!

Thanks to CBN partners, Thai children are learning about God and His creation.

Claiming the airwaves for Christ in India, the Hindi version of The 700 Club is reaching millions with the gospel message.

CBN is now broadcasting the first live Christian radio program twice a week in Hong Kong. It is also available via the internet and a phone...

In rural Nigeria, you helped send a medical mission team who brought hope and healing to thousands in the name of Jesus.

Christian TV now airs for the first time in Niger, Africa. Three hours of God's truths in their native language - thanks to you!

See how you help Cambodian villages with no electricity view gospel videos.

Millions in the Philippines are viewing a made-for-TV movie series, "Shackles," produced by CBN Asia.

Millions in the Philippines are viewing a made-for-TV movie series, "Shackles," produced by CBN Asia.

In Hungary and other European countries, The 700 Club is viewed in native languages, and ranks well in popularity.

In Hungary and other European countries, The 700 Club is viewed in native languages, and ranks well in popularity.

Thirsty villagers from Ghana relied solely on contaminated water until you gave them an endless supply of clean water.

Thirsty villagers from Ghana relied solely on contaminated water until you gave them an endless supply of clean water.

The Euro 2012 Soccer Championship will boost tourism in Kiev, Ukraine, and increase human trafficking. See what you're doing to protect orphans.

CBN is helping children in rural Thailand get an education. They assisted in getting school supplies for more than 300 children. They also shared...

CBN's Orphan's Promise hosts workshops for foster and adoptive parents in Ukraine, offering insight for parenting wounded children.


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