700 Club CBN Shows

The 700 Club

700 Club Episodes & Videos

Unable to find a job and barely able to afford food, Misha had no way to prepare for the brutal Ukrainian winter. His children were often sick from...

Koothayan and his wife worked all day in the rice fields for $2; and there was never enough food for their family of six. His dream was to own a cow...

Chris Price had always provided for his wife and children by working full-time as an auto mechanic, but when Chris’ hours were cut, the family had...

When a typhoon destroyed Mrs. Sia’s home, the widow and her children lost everything. Find out why she says, she will remember you for the rest of...

Credit card debt, bad investment decisions and unemployment destroyed Ken and Debbie’s finances and nearly killed their marriage. Ken needed major...

Mike and Melissa could only find jobs paying just above minimum wage. They took a look at what was really driving their lives and made a change that...

An EF4 tornado destroyed Amanda Headrick’s neighborhood a few days before she gave birth to her son. Now that they were leaving the hospital, where...

In a tough economy, even hard workers like Ron Asseltyne can find themselves unemployed. Learn how Ron kept the paychecks coming. His strategy can...

After her husband abandoned her, Mpotlo was left to raise their three children alone. She dreamed of her children going to school, but the five-mile...

Imagine a family of five living in a six foot by six foot square house! You delivered them from their unbearable living situation.

Kurt and Ronda suddenly went from owning a lot, to owing a lot. At $150,000 in debt, Kurt felt like he was literally drowning in debt. He found an...

With no savings and $1.5 million in back taxes due, there was no resolution in sight. Still, Larry stuck with a principle that paid off all their...

After John was let go from his job, he wondered how he could feed his family of six. Little did he realize that you were a part of his answer.

Scott Carlton lost his landscaping business due to poor decisions and a bad economy. He also turned his back on God. See what Scott did to re-grow...

Vinitha was not a typical college student. She had a great full-time job lined up a half year prior to graduation and has received annual raises...

The only water source for Ramili’s village was not only miles away but often polluted by a nearby cesspool. A pastor encouraged Ramili, a Hindu, to...


Full Episodes

She’s the widow of the “American Sniper.” Taya Kyle honors her late husband and offers hope to military families. Plus, a businessman living off of...

A producer behind “The Cosby Show,” “Roseanne,” “Home Improvement,” and more, guest Matt Williams looks back on an amazing career. Plus, how law...

A teenager is betrayed by someone she trusted, and her life would never be the same. For the next fifteen years, she battled addiction and feelings...

Christian music artist Babbie Mason performs live. Plus, doctors and health officials are giving confusing and contradictory advice. Hear what they’...


A woman experiences a tangled mass in her brain and neurosurgeons refuse to perform an operation. See how a text message sets the stage for a miracle...

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