700 Club CBN Shows

The 700 Club

700 Club Episodes & Videos

From 'The Doctors' TV program, Dr. Lisa Masterson shares how to take charge of your health.

Football player Brad Smith shares his faith journey on the back drop of an impressive NFL career.

My daughter played a game call "Bloody Mary" during a party, what can I do to protect her during these satanic activities? My son just recently...

At the age of 15 Micah was addicted to porn, until a worship service where he was delivered.

Whitney Houston's death continues makes headlines yet the media often ignores her faith. That faith is what gospel singer Kim Burrell knew best about...

Watch a clip from Pat Robertson's new teaching, The Three Blessings: Living a Life of Wisdom, Anointing and Favor.

Preview Pat Robertson's new teaching, The Three Blessings: Living a Life of Wisdom, Anointing and Favor.

Pat Robertson introduces his new teaching The Three Blessings: Living a Life of Wisdom, Anointing and Favor.

Preview The Jewish Jesus, an Emmy-nominated series by Gordon Robertson.

Tim and Yvette Webber struggled financially until they agreed on a new strategy. Learn their secret to financial freedom.

As a young couple, Don and Phyllis Rabon struggled financially. Then they learned an important truth that set them free.

Investigative reporter and author Katie Pavlich says the 'Fast and Furious' case involving Attorney General Eric Holder is a criminal ordeal that can...

Author of, 'Grill This, Not That,' shares healthy grilling tips.

I have had debilitating insomnia for years, what can I do to resolve this issue? What can I take to lower my cholesterol naturally instead of a...

Bob shares his amazing experiences of a career in the FBI and how God protected him

Future Hall of Fame pitcher John Smoltz visits our Virginia Beach studio to talk faith, baseball and his new book, Starting and Closing.


Full Episodes

Follow the journey of Minnesota Twins' phenom Royce Lewis as he transitions from baseball's number one pick to becoming one of its top hitters....

A man receives a motivational speech from God himself. Hear more about this one-on-one encounter and the divine lesson revealed on today’s 700 Club

Speaker, author and influencer Kirly Kelly provides a practical battle plan to defeat the habitual sin plaguing your life. Plus, a pastor braves...

Frankie and his wife were atheists until a tragedy struck. Learn about the profound experience that forever changed their family. Plus, Rapper,...


A girl leaves to meet a friend, but she never arrives. After 10 days, her murdered body is found by search and rescue. See one father’s impossible...

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