700 Club CBN Shows

The 700 Club

700 Club Episodes & Videos

Steven Negron was a fireman fueled by the adrenaline rush of dangerous situations, but after experiencing 9/11 at Ground Zero in New York, Steven...

Brett was caught under the deck of a riding lawn mower and his hands and arms were pulled into the blades resulting in horrific and life threatening...

He was a simple farmer who dared to tell others about Jesus. Now he leads crusades in Africa.

Xiao Ming had a hard life helping to support her single-mother family. She went to a CBN sponsored summer camp in China where she accepted Jesus as...

When a massive tornado ripped through their town, Nathan Powell and his four children lost nearly everything they owned – including their home. See...

Tara and her son thought they would be safe from the storm when the sought refuge in a fast food restaurant. Instead, they were moments away from a...

A look at why human intelligence has increased exponentially over the past century and how the so-called “Flynn Effect” relates to Daniel’s prophecy...

In today’s ‘This Week at CBN,’ Gordon Robertson takes a look at why human intelligence has increased exponentially over the past century and how the...

Is there any truth to the world ending in 2012? Will the United States be part of the "End Times"? Does the Bible say where the Anti-Christ will come...

Peggy suffered with a debilitating disease for over thirty-five years. The source of her endurance and hope was the Bible.

Artyom turns from alcoholism to Christianity through an Orphan’s Promise youth center in Ukraine.

Gordon Robertson teaches on the Signs of the Anti-Christ.

Operation Blessing fills a chartered plane with relief supplies for refugees trying to survive in the Nuba Mountains of Sudan after war ravages their...

Kwami was healed of chronic pain while watching The 700 Club and it would soon lead to the best decision he would ever make.

Gordon and Kristi make a leg of lamb, rice pilaf and other tasty dishes that will gather your family around the dinner table. GET RECIPE HERE.

Clark Howard will discuss how to survive and flourish in tough economic times with tips on how to buy, spend, and save money.


Full Episodes

Discover how a mother's prayers pave the road to redemption after her son faces a prison sentence for his crimes. Watch their inspiring journey on...

Hear the story of how a father's dedication inspired a nation. Plus, a Father's Day surprise as one family grows by two. It's time to celebrate dads...

Author James Ward, Jr. addresses how black Americans can overcome injustice with a new attitude. Plus, presidential hopefuls are courting the...

A man suffering from shivering and shortness of breath is diagnosed with a severe case of pneumonia. Witness the prayer and the visitor that brought...

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