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The 700 Club

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Gordon and Ashley pray for you and deliver words of knowledge through the power of the Holy Spirit for your healing.

On today’s Newsmakers: Willie Robertson’s faith, revisiting American Sniper, and a hostage mom speaks out.

Kirby Kelly is a content creator using her platform to be a light for the younger generations. Confronting her own sinful past, she encourages others...

Should a person tithe on inheritance money? The boy I fell in love with is way more spiritually mature than I and way better looking. He rejected me...

Gordon and Terry pray for you and deliver words of knowledge through the power of the Holy Spirit for your healing.

Phil Cooke discusses from his book, “Church on Trial,” the best and most effective practices for handling a crisis in church ministry and non-profit...

After the deaths of her family, Kathy was pulled out of her mission field and struggled to make ends meet with no income. Still reeling from her loss...

Betty's faith is activated when a dizzying spell threatens her family’s Thanksgiving.

Willie Robertson will discuss helping people learn how to share the good news of Jesus unashamedly while meeting people where they are in life in his...

Dear Pat, I work for a small, privately owned, family business. I didn't realize I was getting involved in something so messy, what can I do? She...

Gordon and Terry pray for you and deliver words of knowledge through the power of the Holy Spirit for your healing.

Media mogul Kathie Lee Gifford shares the inspiration behind her new book, “Herod and Mary: The True Story of the Tyrant King and the Mother of the...

Gordon and Terry pray for you and deliver words of knowledge through the power of the Holy Spirit for your healing.

When Brenda Neal’s renal artery aneurysm ruptured, she thought she would bleed out and die or lose her one good kidney and must go on dialysis. But...

Gordon and Terry pray for you and deliver words of knowledge through the power of the Holy Spirit for your healing.

Andrew is a successful investment manager. He and his wife, Bridgid, follow an investment plan of their own—one you won’t hear about at a bank or...


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