700 Club CBN Shows

The 700 Club

700 Club Episodes & Videos

I've suffered from a pornography addiction for a few years now. I know it's wrong, and my parents and pastors have prayed for me and have given me...

CBN Israel is helping families evacuate areas under attack and paying for hotels in safe areas.

Steve Green, son of David Green and founder of Hobby Lobby, discusses the trials, hardships, and triumphs behind the beloved arts-and-crafts giant...

CBN Animation’s Superbook team in Cambodia is training new Sunday School teachers on how to use our Superbook Sunday School curriculum.

As Israel’s stores are understocked and supplies are running out, CBN Israel is meeting people’s need for food.

Where in the Bible is the name Jehovah first used?

On this week’s Newsmakers: is Hamas’ attack tied to prophecy, a hit movie sparks baptisms, and a former politician’s mis-gendering nightmare.

Rosaria Butterfield, former self-described feminist, and professor of women's studies, confronts modern day culture's attack on the identity and role...

Pat and Terry pray for you and deliver words of knowledge through the power of the Holy Spirit for your healing.

Dr. Martin Luther King's niece is back, sharing some of her favorite holiday family recipes.

After Tammy and her husband divorced, she started attending church; something miraculous occurred.

Displaying God’s love, Daphne gives convicted driver mission behind bars that has special significance.

Gordon and Ashley pray for you and deliver words of knowledge through the power of the Holy Spirit for your healing.

Ben and Brenda’s lives turned upside down when they learned of Brenda’s end-stage kidney failure. Their finances were stretched due to lost work...

When a cyclone swept through West Bengal in India, homes and livelihoods lay in ruins, including Ranajit’s boat. The boat was the only source of...

In the wake of the recent flooding in Louisiana, Operation Blessing and a team of more than 200 volunteers is helping people get back on their feet....


Full Episodes

A man turns his back on a life of darkness when God reveals Himself as the one true source of fulfillment. Plus, CBN News sits down with former...

After being slammed by a truck and not expected to survive, a young woman beats the odds and inspires the world. See the captivating account of...

A woman receives a shocking report from the doctor and is told she has a year left to live. Her shock turns to anger as she struggles to survive, but...

A child given up at birth uncovers his family’s secret. Witness the shocking truth about his mother and witness their joyful reunion on today’s 700...

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