Rebecca St. James, Gang Prevention Seminar in... um... Virginia
I live in a part of the country that is not sure what it wants to be called. When I first moved here, most locals called this region of southeastern Virginia, "Tidewater". But the national media always refer to it as "Norfolk", even though that is only one of the seven cities clustered in this metropolitan community. So there was a major push locally to adopt the regional name "Hampton Roads" (the word "roads" here is the old English word for "ports"). So, now we call ourselves "Hampton Roads".
Of course, the national media still insists on calling us "Norfolk", even when they are talking about something that happened in another city in this region. I know, weird, isn't it?
But despite this confusion, this is a great place to live and there is always something interesting and important going on here in "Hampton Roads", "Tidewater", "Norfolk", "Virginia Beach"… you get the picture.
There are two specific events that I thought you'd like to know about…
An Evening with Rebecca St. James
Singer, speaker and now actress Rebecca St. James will perform in a memorable evening of music, conversation and worship to benefit the Crisis Pregnancy Center of Tidewater (there it is again). There will be a special preview of St. James' pro-life movie, "Sarah's Choice". The event will take place Friday, July 23rd at 7 p.m. at First Baptist Norfolk (which, by the way, is in Norfolk). Tickets are $10.
A free children's program will be offered for kids ages 4 and up, with a reading of "The Little Pot" by author, Dawn Stephens.
Learn more about the Crisis Pregnancy Center of Tidewater at, or call 757-410-9703.
Gang Prevention Seminar
Regent University is partnering with several ministries and community groups to sponsor an in-depth Gang Prevention Seminar, August 20th and 21st. This power-packed two day training opportunity will investigate a 'real' current gang crisis, explore initiating a realistic community gang prevention program, identify available funding opportunities, and provide training in the official "Gang Reduction Methods" curriculum.
Learn how to prevent kids from joining gangs, and help target and reduce gang activities in your community. Find out how to receive funding for programs that incorporate positive approaches for mentoring at-risk youth and halting family violence.
Speakers include:
- Curtis O. Porter, Director, Division of Youth Services
- Bill Emery, Community Coordinator, Virginia Gang Prevention
- Reverend Dr. Antipas L. Harris, Professor, Regent University
- Dr. Joseph Umitdi, Professor of Ministry, Regent University
- Coach Elwood Williams, Southside Boys and Girls Clubs
Day 1 (3 CE hours): “How to initiate Gang Prevention” - Each Attendant will go home with information and materials to aid in activating a program in your community.
Day 2 (5 CE hours): “Gang-Reduction Methods” - Teaching and orientation, with a take home copy of the latest curriculum.
Special Speaker (Day 2): Curtis Porter, Director of Youth Services at the Family & Youth Ser. Bureau, U.S. Dept. Of Health.
Who Should Come
Civic League Leaders, Community Leaders, Community Center Staff, Non-Profit Teams, For-Profits, Coalitions, Church Leaders, Principals, School Counselors / Security, Teachers, Courts, Probation Officers, Detention, DOHS, CSB, Parks and Rec, University Staff, Athletic Teams, Home Owner Association Members, Community Counselors, Social Workers, Venders.
Additional Info and Register online at Regent University:
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