Christian Living

WeightLossCoaching 12/10/07

What are your Dreams and Goals?

Have you ever heard the phrase "if you don't know where you are going, you will never know if you are there"? I think it should actually say you won't know how to GET there!
Recently I had my coaching clients write a mission statement to reflect their dreams, goals and where they want this journey to take them.
I was talking to one of them today and told her that she needs to realize she is ONE year away from the complete and total realization of her dreams of WHO she wants to be, but that if her actions TODAY do not reflect that, she is a lifetime away!

The same goes for YOU, if your actions today do NOT reflect the lifestyle you want, the body you want--you are unlikely to realize the changes you desire.

One great step is to define exactly what you want to accomplish in 2008, write YOUR mission statement and craft your plan of HOW you are going to realize it!

What can you/should you do TODAY that will get you ONE step closer to your dreams and goals? Log in and share with us!




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