Christian Living

The Brody File

Video Exclusive: GOP House Majority Leader Tells Brody File Tea Party Won't Be Shut Out

In an exclusive interview with The Brody File, Kevin McCarthy tells CBN News that he doesn’t plan to shut out the Tea Party or any other GOP faction in his new role as House Majority Leader.

“I like the philosophy that you can have a difference of opinion but we’re not going to shut you out because the individual matters and I want to hear your opinion," McCarthy tells The Brody File during a visit we had with him in his home district of Bakersfield, California.

Watch the video below and see a transcript below. MANDATORY COURTESY: CBN NEWS/ THE BRODY FILE

David Brody: I know relationships are extremely important and human interaction but at the same time people have certain views and they have to represent their districts in certain areas.

House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy: The great thing about what drives me in being a Republican, and my family are all Democrats but I was a Republican, I like the philosophy that you can have a difference of opinion but we’re not going to shut you out because the individual matters and I want to hear your opinion.

Now, when it comes to being the majority leader, I have this little saying I keep on my desk in my drawer: 'you have to have the courage to lead but you have to have the wisdom to listen.' So the key thing is I like to go out and listen. But at the end of the day you have to lead so you listen to everybody’s opinion but when you hear everyone lots of times everybody has the same desire to end up in the same place they just have a different route they want to get to.

So how can you help everybody get to the same route to get us eventually to the same location? And sometimes it’s not fast enough. It’s definitely not fast enough at times for me but as long as that compass is pointed in the right direction and its moving forward, I mean, you look at Ronald Reagan, that’s the goal of what we would have but you don’t give up. You come back the next day for what you couldn’t get the day before.

The Brody File is working on a national profile of the Majority Leader that will air on The 700 Club in early September. What you saw above was just a sneak peak.

Besides the interview with McCarthy, we also speak to his wife Judy about her faith and today’s culture. Hope you’ll tune in.

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