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Articles on Identity in christ

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Articles on Identity in christ

Author Khristi Lauren Adams shares about her book, Parable of the Brown Girl, which shares stories of young black women in a way that parallels the...

Just as the beauty of creation reveals God’s glory, walking in wisdom also proclaims His praise.

Labor is hard, but God redeems our work when Christ is at the center.

Circumstances can bring out the worst in us, but we represent God to others, so let’s check our attitude instead of getting angry.

Christianity tells us something about ourselves that modern DNA tests cannot. Once we discover who we really are, we’ll begin to engage the world...


All About the New

The resurrection power is at work transforming the old into something brand new.

We easily buy into worldly thinking that claims our identity comes from what we do instead of what God has done.

Most adults spend half of their waking hours at work. For better or worse, what goes on there leaves an indelible mark.

It is critical that we have a right definition and understanding of what forgiveness is and isn’t. 

When God created the universe and everything in it, He said it was very good. He also created you - what do you think He said?


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