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Articles on Identity in christ

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Articles on Identity in christ

Servanthood requires a mental shift, a change in your attitudes. God is always more interested in why we do something than in what we do. Read this...

In an explosive conversation, CBN.com Program Director Chris Carpenter recently sat down with Ludy to discuss why Christians are perceived as being...

Like individual leaves on trees or the distinctiveness of a snowflake, each are unique; no two are alike. Harald Bredesen was the only one of his...

The concept of sanctification relates to holiness. It deals with progression in holiness, or, as the word implies, the sanctifying of human life.

American Idol past favorite Jason Castro talks his new album and how his walk with the Lord shapes his music and his purpose.

Love your enemies. Forgive those who wrong you. Turn the other cheek. Think of others before yourself. Serve rather than be served. Do people...


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