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Articles on Identity in christ

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Articles on Identity in christ

Who do people think that you are? How do they define you? More importantly, are they correct in their assessment? Recently, I did a little experiment...

As Christians, we are supposed to align ourselves with the Word of God in how we live our lives. Each day, we should be resembling Christ in our...

Many Christians believe that because they do not have a seminary degree or the title of ‘recognized clergy’ they do not have much to offer in the...

Do you know what your spiritual orientation is? If I were to give you the compass of the Holy Spirit, could you find True North in your heart? I know...


Accepting Your Sainthood

Sometimes I wonder if it is a part of our fallen humanity to desire guilt, shame and punishment. In a healthy sense, guilt and shame tell us when we...

'Then came the disciples to Jesus apart, and said, Why could not we cast him out? And Jesus said unto them, Because of your unbelief: for verily I...

The Lord longs to be closer to you, to refresh you with his love and to be refreshed by your love.

You are more than what you do -- a whole lot more.

In the summer of 1980 Armstrong had the opportunity to ask then presidential candidate Reagan what it would take for him to get into heaven....

In classrooms around the country, children have been learning about famous African Americans and their contributions to our culture. Thats a good...


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