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Articles on Identity in christ

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Articles on Identity in christ


The Delighted Father

It’s great to have our parents be pleased with us, but to have the King of all kings delight in us—that’s truly mind boggling!

Much has been said about gender confusion, but there is another issue that can be the culprit for confusion at many levels - identify confusion.

Matthew West explains how writing the book changed him and the childhood labels he had to let go of to fully discover his identity in Jesus Christ.

A mid-day eclipse darkened the sky greater than any power outage we’ve experienced, obscuring figures in its thickening cloak. The sun refused to...

When we rely on our accomplishments and achievements, we forget that we are actually wretched, pitiful, poor, blind and naked.


Share the Glory

Knowing your suffering qualifies you to be a partner with Christ makes this temporary suffering worth the eternal glory coming.

Jesus loves and treasures the spiritual orphan. That’s why He made a way to adopt us into the family of God.

kathy willis hope meme5

The Provision of Hope

When you feel cut off from answers, yet you have a calm assurance that you’re going to be okay no matter how things turn out, that’s God-hope.

Like Father, like love

Love Cares

All around me I see a need for a politer and kinder humanity. In this me first world, few are thinking about how they can make things a better place...


Your Independence Day

Welcome to the new Grin and Grow with Kathy blog. The first 4 articles will be on the topic of freedom. When I think of freedom, I think of...


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