Christian Living

Spiritual Life

Devotionals on Peace

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Devotionals on Peace

When we lean on Father God in every area, life becomes an awesome experience.

My main issue with my not-so-good day: I didn’t have control.

Jesus gave His children five "Me” verses that reveal how to live “the simplicity in Christ.”

Some people stop at the first site of adversity because they don’t think they have what it takes to survive the storm.

Embracing God's promise of peace and provision means we don't have to be shackled by anxiety and fear.

Some of the drama in your life could actually be God saving you from a more dangerous situation down the road.

“Out of sight, out of mind” is a clichéd expression, but it’s proven to be true in my case.

In an uncertain world, there is an undeniable peace, an unshakable anchor for our soul.

When grief threatens to paralyze us, there’s a place we can run to.

Be still. That’s easier said than done, isn’t it?


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