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Spiritual Life

Devotionals on Prayer

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Devotionals on Prayer

This story about King Asa in 2 Chronicles holds a powerful lesson for us all. It shows us the importance of trusting in God no matter what, even if...

God has a divine plan for us, calling each of us to reach the nations, tribes, and tongues of the world. As His cherished children, He guides us to...

Are you looking for ways to make a positive impact in the world? Do you believe in the power of prayer to bring about meaningful change? Then you won...

Many see prayer as the 911 emergency number, the genie in the lamp, and even as a monologue—when the reality is that prayer is a dialogue. Prayer is...

Prayer can change everything - from protecting loved ones on the other side of the world to transforming your own life. Be attentive to the Holy...

Let’s not miss out on anything God has for us. Since all of His promises to us are "Yes" and "Amen," let’s believe every single one of them.

Have you ever struggled to have faith in a situation because you were not sure God wanted to help you?

Jesus is the answer to every human need. He will provide.

Maybe we shrink back from believing in what seems impossible because our prayers haven’t always been answered in the way we had hoped.

The greatest privilege we can ever have is to know God, to be in His presence, and to feel His love.


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