Christian Living

Spiritual Life

Devotionals on Prayer

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Devotionals on Prayer

When circumstances look bad, we can trust God is working all things together for good.

Take time to give thanks for what God is unfolding in the world today.

For 80 minutes, my life would be guided by the hands of a captain I did not know, nor knew me. I was not relaxed. I was afraid.

We can ask God about anything and everything; even about fireworks on the 4th of July. His Word remains true on a large scale and in close, personal...

What could Queen Esther and Muhammed Ali possibly have in common?

This year, as you follow those tiny ribbons heavenward, attach a small prayer in your heart to one or two.

When we look at the world through eyes of faith, we see things differently.

It’s vital to understand the importance of prayer, because without it we won’t succeed in the tasks God has given us.

We need to remain pliable, for that’s when the breakthrough happens.

COVID leads a woman to put her full trust in God.


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