Christian Living

Spiritual Life

Devotionals on Prayer

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Devotionals on Prayer

One of the best ways to know God is to spend time alone with Him in your secret place each day.

Get alone with Father God and learn to enjoy the presence of the Lord.

As our Forefathers did in the midst of their trials, we must also seek wisdom and guidance from our Heavenly Father and thank Him for His blessings.

Today you can learn to walk with God in your regular life, in the midst of problems, pressures, and responsibilities.

New routines for the school year have begun. Why not send our students off with more than the usual this year?

Trusting God with small things can be harder than trusting God with big things.

It was scary and exciting at the same time. All seven of us huddled together in the basement, listening to radio reports on the tornado.

Those overwhelming times in life can become the greatest teachers of how to depend on Christ.

I’m learning that silence is where God seems to do His best work.

Living in a desert creates a constant, desperate need for water. Our souls have the same need for Living Water.


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