Christian Living

Spiritual Life

Devotionals on Prayer

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Devotionals on Prayer

If we could see what God sees, would the desires of our hearts change?

Faith means believing in things you cannot see. Through God's power and grace, your faith can light up your life.

Mom prayed for my angry Dad's salvation for 25 years, believing all the while her prayers would be answered.

Mueller prayed when there was no food on the table for his orphans in England, and miraculously bread, milk, donations, etc. would show up.

Are you asking, “How long, O Lord, is this going to continue?”

What stands in the way of putting God first in your life?

What others read in how Christians live and behave may be their only letter of recommendation about Jesus.

Spiritual encouragement for parents of special needs children.

“Abba” is Hebrew for Papa and it's the first word that a little Hebrew boy or girl says. It's a wonderful, affectionate name for God.

Take comfort in the fact that, just as Jesus prayed for us then, He prays for us now.


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