700 Club CBN Shows

The 700 Club

700 Club Episodes & Videos

During an annual 4th of July celebration at the beach, the Floyd’s are horrified when their 12-year-old son Levi is found lifeless in the water....

LaKeisha’s car crashes into a tractor trailer with her two-year-old daughter, Kennedy, in tow. Although LaKeisha’s body has endured traumatic...

Hit by a car, 9-year-old Brenden Scott bleeds until his heart stops beating and for 20 excruciating minutes the surgeon massages the boy’s heart in...

13-year-old entrepreneur Sofia Kunst always tithes from her successful tapestry business but what she receives is even better...

Emmitt Holt was preparing for a promising basketball season when suddenly he was struck with an excruciating stomach pain. His mother and team prayed...

Adelai reflects on being the perfect daughter who believed she had to earn love at whatever cost--that is, until the walls around her heart began to...

NFL’s most accomplished punter Thomas Morstead reminds families to focus this additional time at home due to COVID-19 on strengthening their...

Angel had not even prayed for her chronic cotton mouth to heal when she heard her exact symptoms and a declaration of her restoration on The 700 Club...

Dr. Lou Ortenzio tries to keep pace with a demanding practice by taking opiates, but it costs him his family, his practice, and nearly his life. One...

The doctor told Pat Eaves her gallbladder was full of gallstones, but God spoke healing over her right before surgery.

Having both grown-up in abusive homes, Phillip and Darlena’s marriage suffered from a lack of communication and inner healing. Find out what brought...

Melissa and her husband Ray are shocked at her heart failure diagnosis at the age of 31 and begin praying for the strength to face an uncertain...

With a successful career in law enforcement, Michael McSellers appeared to have achieved his purpose until the trauma of the job began to haunt him...

Although COVID-19 cancelled his school’s prom, Howie makes it even more special by taking his Grandmother to her first prom and dancing the night...

John Woody never expected to find relief from a twelve-year battle with acid reflux until he heard his prayers being answered on the 700 Club and...

As a frontline worker at a regional hospital in El Salvador, Marta prays for bleach to battle against COVID-19 and protect her daughter at home....


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