700 Club CBN Shows

The 700 Club

700 Club Episodes & Videos

Get to know the story behind The Discovery Channel's Bobby Goodson, the face of Swamp Loggers.

After CBN drilled a well in their village in northwest India, Mannu and her husband converted from Hinduism to Christianity.

Bobby Bowers was a drug dealing, drug using gang member. In prison, his life radically changed after an encounter with Jesus.

A former drug dealer, addict and felon overdoses and is pronounced dead. Randy Hicks shares his amazing experience of life beyond the grave.

Watch a special week of programming on The 700 Club beginning Monday October 29th.

'Iris Ministries' founder Heidi Baker shares about Mozambique miracles.

Evangelist Heidi Baker goes 'In The Green Room' with Caleb Kinchlow to talk about cultivating a passion for God.

The burden of providing for his grandchildren pushes Ko Sem to the brink of suicide. To help, CBN provides a fish farm business to help with finances...

America's most-listened-to nighttime radio host - Delilah - tells us what her typical day is like as a mother of 13! She also tells us how she gets...

Author and nationally syndicated radio talk show host Delilah shares her story of success and faith.

The 'DC Cupcakes' sisters return to discuss the importance of celebrating life's blessings with family and friends.

A successful young couple get lost in the busyness of life and drift apart. Before divorcing they attend church together in one last gasp attempt to...

Michiael and Janet face death in a gasoline tanker truck accident that becomes an inferno with the couple trapped inside.

Alan Youngblood was a very successful home builder who had no time for God until a New Year's Eve church service changed his life forever.

Aaron Enous had a tough childhood and was uncertain if God even existed until he had a vision that changed everything.

When five-year-old Maria first saw her baby sister Naomi’s cleft lip, she asked her mother Carmen if she had dropped the newborn. Crushed, Carmen...


Full Episodes

A runner collapses and her husband attempts CPR. First responders find no pulse. See how she survives after being unconscious for twenty-eight...

Retired professional wrestler Hulk Hogan gets excited when talking about his relationship with Jesus. See why he’s all the way in with Christ as his...

Revisit the true story of America’s first settlers and hear the prayer that build a nation. Plus, one woman’s dream about Jesus transforms her past....

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