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The 700 Club

700 Club Episodes & Videos

TawfiQ's mother never stopped praying that her son would escape the clutches of Islam and find freedom in Jesus.

Mulinde is a former Muslim who was attacked by radical Islamists with acid to his face because he became a Christian.

A new DVD series called "Truth Unlocked" is reminding Christians they're called to minister to Muslims, while helping them replace fear with love.

Talk about coexistence among religions and cultures is prevalent these days. It sounds good, but is it possible? Author Robert Stearns argues the...

Missionaries to the Muslim world say dreams and visions, along with satellite television, are introducing Muslims to Jesus in unprecedented numbers.

Antonio found meaning in Islam, but he didn't find salvation until he met Jesus.

Join Gordon Robertson as he travels to Vienna, Austria, to explore the history of the Siege of Vienna.

From Nazism to communism, Germany has seen its share of radical ideologies over the years. Now the nation faces a new threat: Salafism.

They shocked the world by kidnapping American missionaries Martin and Gracia Burnham. Today, the Abu Sayyaf's terror is far from over, but are they...

As Egypt moves toward "democratic reforms," the situation is deteriorating for the Coptic church, especially Christian women.

Fatima, an Iranian native, never gave her Muslim faith too much thought, until she began asking questions about God.

A devout Muslim from Saudi Arabia, Al Fadi was no match for the transforming love of Jesus Christ.

Gordon Robertson explores the Muslim faith and the historical role it has played in mankind's Quest for God.

For Deborah, a casual dating relationship with a Jehovah’s Witness led to a 15-year indoctrination into the religion.

Rather than attend an Islamic school, orphan Modu ran away and lived on the streets. With no job skills, what future would this teenager have?

He heard a voice call his name and saw a vision of Christ. This was miraculous, because up until then, Kamal was a Muslim.


Full Episodes

A young woman is thrown eighty feet after being hit by a bus. She suffers multiple broken bones and a brain injury. See the amazing recovery that...

Duck Dynasty’s Willie Robertson doubles down on sharing his faith and standing up for truth. Plus, a car crash leaves a basketball coach paralyzed...

Heartbroken after the death of her mom, a worship leader searches for answers. See how a voice rocked her world. Plus, radio host and conservative...

A woman’s faith is tested when a dizzy spell threatens her family’s holiday. Plus, a couple is on the verge of financial ruin. They implement an...


Find out what prompted a husband to flee and hear the prayer that brought him back. Learn about the dream that saved a marriage on today’s 700 Club.

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