700 Club CBN Shows

The 700 Club

700 Club Episodes & Videos

Lenwood’s football days caught up with him in the form of grinding neck pain. A doctor prescribed pain meds, but a prayer on The 700 Club set the...

Franklin admits himself to the ER with abdominal pain only to wind up fighting for his life as he hemorrhages blood. Through the prayers of his son...

For months Sandra suffered from cloudy eyesight, which she noticed especially when she was reading. One day she received a prayer on The 700 Club,...

Rue is like a grandmother to the Youth of Ash Grove Assembly. When the youth pastor announced Rue had been secretly fighting stage 3 cancer, they...

For years Florence suffered with acid reflux, causing her to have problems eating and sleeping. One day while watching The 700 Club she heard a...

After Penny was warned that her son would likely die within hours of his birth, she turned to the only one who could change the outcome.

A car accident left Shelley Herrman with pain...

The candle’s flame seemed to jump toward Sharif’s shirt, engulfing his upper body in flames. The fact that he survived was a miracle, but his painful...

Andy suffered a shoulder injury while playing basketball and spent years in pain until Gordon Robertson prayed for God’s healing touch and Andy...

The Daultons are getting a new van. 700 Club Interactive and Orphan’s Promise teamed up to start the Daulton Family Van Fund to replace their aged...

When Michael’s kayak capsized in the icy waters of Lake Michigan he should have been facing a long recovery after a near-death experience. Instead,...

Little Ciara had been suffering with abdominal issues for five years when God used a prayer on The 700 Club to do a miracle.

After tripping and striking his head on a railing, Father Murray woke up paralyzed. He was determined to walk again, but the journey tested this...

When doctors told Diane that nothing could be done to cure her chronic back pain after a car accident, she decided instead to believe that nothing...

After a car accident, David Wamsley had back pain for years until one day received a word of knowledge and was healed. He was also set free from pain...

A skiing accident caused great pain in David’s shoulder. For three weeks he suffered until he came across a prayer for miracles on The 700 Club.


Full Episodes

A young woman is thrown eighty feet after being hit by a bus. She suffers multiple broken bones and a brain injury. See the amazing recovery that...

Duck Dynasty’s Willie Robertson doubles down on sharing his faith and standing up for truth. Plus, a car crash leaves a basketball coach paralyzed...

Heartbroken after the death of her mom, a worship leader searches for answers. See how a voice rocked her world. Plus, radio host and conservative...

A woman’s faith is tested when a dizzy spell threatens her family’s holiday. Plus, a couple is on the verge of financial ruin. They implement an...


Find out what prompted a husband to flee and hear the prayer that brought him back. Learn about the dream that saved a marriage on today’s 700 Club.

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