700 Club CBN Shows

The 700 Club

700 Club Episodes & Videos

When widow and grandmother, Saban, lost the only business she had due to the Covid pandemic; her granddaughter had to ask their neighbors for food....

In pastor and author Jentezen Franklin's latest book, "Overcoming When You Feel Overwhelmed," he provides inspirational tips, suggestions, and...

What do you do when you have lost all of your family to death, including your wife who you love? When you re-marry and your wife divorces and leaves...

Gordon and Terry pray for you and deliver words of knowledge through the power of the Holy Spirit for your healing.

Do we need to confess our sins to be saved, or just believe that Jesus is the Son of God?

Gordon and Terry pray for you and deliver words of knowledge through the power of the Holy Spirit for your healing.

A beautiful spring afternoon on the lake turned into a nightmare when a family's boat drifted too close to a power dam. The powerful current pulled...

Gordon and Terry pray for you and deliver words of knowledge through the power of the Holy Spirit for your healing.

Gang culture was normal for Jose “Mico” Quiroz who grew up immersed in it on the streets of Santa Rosa, CA. What was status quo for years soon had...

Andrew and Ashley pray for you and deliver words of knowledge through the power of the Holy Spirit for your healing.

What does the Bible say about taking care of your parents? Am I dishonoring her? My daughter has 5 children ranging in ages from 3 to 20. I've never...

Andrew and Terry pray for you and deliver words of knowledge through the power of the Holy Spirit for your healing.

Two experienced fishermen head out to sea, missing a coast guard warning of severe weather. Ninety miles out, the unthinkable happens and both are...

A former runaway, Peter Mutabazi, spent five years living on the streets of his native country of Uganda when a man noticed his potential. In his...

Gordon and Terry pray for you and deliver words of knowledge through the power of the Holy Spirit for your healing.

The family was thankful to escape the flood with their lives, and they planned to spend Christmas in an RV on their water-drenched property. But wait...


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