700 Club CBN Shows

The 700 Club

700 Club Episodes & Videos

Madeline & her community had to drink dirty water until CBN partners blessed them with clean water!

After a planned surgery took a turn for the worse, Dee Dee found herself in a financial crisis with no way to feed her family. But with the help of...

Tasha Layton Cites Faith for Ups & Downs

When Julie Busler lost her mom to cancer at an early age, she did not know how to cope with the grief, falling into depression and PTSD. In her book...

Gordon and Terry pray for you and deliver words of knowledge through the power of the Holy Spirit for your healing.

In Thailand, CBN Animation's Superbook team held an Easter event via Zoom.

Andrew and Terry pray for you and deliver words of knowledge through the power of the Holy Spirit for your healing.

Carole Ward has missions in her blood, descending from a family of missionaries. She shares the work God has called her to through her...

Growing up with a father in prison and multiple stepfathers, Matthew Daniels had nowhere to turn for help with the emotions of loneliness and anger...

Gordon and Terry pray for you and deliver words of knowledge through the power of the Holy Spirit for your healing.

Thirteen-year-old fisher Routh was hit by a car and flew 15 feet in the air landing on his head. Many prayers went forth as he was rushed to the ER....

Gordon, what did angels do to become “fallen angels?”

Andrew Friedrich passed away on July 29, 2023. Andy was the husband of 700 Club co-host Terry Meeuwsen for 42 years. CBN's Orphan's Promise was a...

Recently in South Africa, CBN Animation’s Superbook and Orphans Promise teams partnered with a local ministry, Life Child, to hold an event for local...

Jordan Lawhead was diagnosed with malignant Melanoma at 17 - removed surgically but cancer returned 6 years later. Jordan was given 6 months to live...

After 6 agonizing years of bursitis pain, Paul's faith was activated & immediate healing occurred.


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