700 Club CBN Shows

The 700 Club

700 Club Episodes & Videos

Brandi Milbourn was ejected 160 feet from her vehicle when a truck slammed into her car. She was told she would never run again, that she would walk...

When 6-year-old Reagan Bowman fell and hit her head, she was air lifted to UVA's trauma center. Her brain would not stop swelling and doctors decided...

Mallory, a single mom, was facing poverty and living in a house ready to fall apart. Then, she was blessed with a new home and a thriving business....

Sofi’s story is a testament to the power of hope. After years of separation and suffering, CBN Israel provided Sofi with the support and...

While attempting to rescue his grandson, Mike flipped his boat in the middle of the night near baton rouge with his friend Billy. Thanks to god, they...

Growing up Dylan Jarvis watched his mother battle alcoholism and found himself succumbing to his own addiction to cope with fear and anxiety....

Pat and Terry pray for you and deliver words of knowledge through the power of the Holy Spirit for your healing.

Victoria Riollano is a military wife, mother of seven children (with another on the way), and an author equipping mothers with the tools needed to...

What can I do to draw closer to God on my own? I've been married for 3 years and my husband has no sexual desire for me at all. My church refused...

Shannon found it nearly impossible to pay the bills as a substitute teacher and single mom. When friends were having fun, she couldn’t afford to go...

Gordon and Ashley pray for you and deliver words of knowledge through the power of the Holy Spirit for your healing.

Is there Scripture to support that the mentally challenged will be in heaven?

Brandon felt responsible for his dad killing his mom, leading him on a path to self-destruction.

Thomas shares how a tragedy at a state fair led to his calling as a hospital chaplain.

Sage Steele voiced her principles during Covid to the ire of ESPN; suspending her job indefinitely.

Born without legs, Jen is a professional gymnast and acrobatic performer who has never let any obstacles stop her from pursuing her dreams. She...


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