700 Club CBN Shows

The 700 Club

As Seen On The Club

Friday, July 16, 2021

Answered Prayer: God's Power in Your Life

In prayer, the depths of your spirit are in communion with the depths of the Spirit of God. Out of this can come instruction, guidance, healing, deliverance and wisdom.

Rise Up

Rise Up! is a book about joy, a deep inner joy one can never achieve without God’s grace and mercy. By the time you’ve reached the end of this book, you will be able to identify what's holding you back, and move forward to reach solutions in your life. You will build your faith, breaking chains, and the negative ideas you have about yourself will no longer have a stronghold over your life. Those thoughts and lies will be replaced with the powerful truth of who you are and joy will begin to rise up inside of you.

Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Wildfires: Revolt Against Apathy and Ignite Your World with God's Power

Where is the Jesus I thought I was following?
If your faith feels more like a dying ember than a radiant light, perhaps you haven’t met the real Jesus.
At her core, Jessi felt dry and lifeless. Weary of anemic religion, she had almost given up on Christianity, until one day, she came face to face with the real Jesus whose eyes burn like fire! His gaze lit a spark within her, fanning the tinder of her soul into a glowing blaze.

Tuesday, July 13, 2021

God Is For Us! Verses of Salvation, Peace and Victory

New from CBN, Pat Robertson has recorded verses of Scripture that will build your faith. Spend time listening to these select verses from the book of Romans. Let God’s Word transform your mind as you meditate on the love and grace God has for you.

Monday, July 12, 2021

Helping the Home Front

CBN has an initiative to help active duty military families. We are coming alongside local churches by providing financial assistance to help congregations meet the needs of their military families. We aid churches in helping these families:

  • Repair their homes and cars
  • Replace broken appliances
  • Purchase new mattresses
  • Help with overdue mortgages
  • Pay off medical bills

Thursday, July 1, 2021

Beyond the White Picket Fence: What to do When Your Life is Dismantled

Has Your Life Just Been Turned Upside Down?

You shouldn’t have to go through a devastating crisis alone. You need a friend to come alongside you to help you heal and find hope again. Sheri Rose Shepherd, author of the bestselling His Princess series (more than a million copies sold), knows exactly what it’s like to have your life torn apart and your dreams shattered.

Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Love and Marriage: God's Plan for Your Family

Give your marriage stability in the midst of the stress. Here are principles you can apply right now for a strong, successful marriage.

Give to Operation Blessing Disaster Relief

Turkey and Syria have been devastated by the February 6 earthquake. Storms and freezing temperatures add to the suffering of those who have already lost so much—homes, property and loved ones. The need is desperate. Please give today.

Friday, June 25, 2021

Ten Ways You Can Pray for Israel

In CBN Israel's brand-new devotional prayer guide, Ten Ways You Can Pray for Israel, you'll gain spiritual insights from Israel's patriarchs, prophets, and beloved New Testament leaders while also discovering how you can pray for the Jewish nation and people today.


Full Episodes

A woman suffering from an uncontrollable cough found no relief from doctors. Hear her story of how prayer led to a complete healing on today’s 700...

Facing a diagnosis that her baby would not survive in the womb, a mother was advised to abort. Hear her story of choosing to continue the pregnancy...

Elizabeth Tabish, known for her role as Mary Magdalene on “The Chosen,” offers a sneak peek at the show’s fifth season and also shares insights into...

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