A Prayer for Parents of Addicts

Not long ago, I had the privilege to speak about addiction recovery at a conference hosted by federal judges. Many experts attended, but I was most struck by encounters with three mothers. It is their stories I want to share and close with prayer for them and all parents of addicts.
The Judge
One of the speakers was a woman, a retired judge. She spoke of her attitude, while working, towards people with drug cases.
"I threw the book at them and I was happy to do it." She felt this way until she discovered her own 17-year-old daughter was hooked on heroin. Her daughter's addiction began while taking Vicodin for a sports injury.
The judge related instances of uncaring and unhelpful people. She described one episode of her daughter being hospitalized. Standing in the hallway, in sweats, not in professional attire, she heard the nurses call her "the crazy mom with her junkie daughter."
Her talk occurred 10 years after that turbulent time but still, the judge's voice shook with emotion. This mom now helps other families caught in addiction.
The Youth Minister
While at my book table, a husband and wife came up to talk.
The couple spoke for some time about the problems of addiction and their ministry to reach young people.
But then, the mom became especially vulnerable and said, "Our son died from an overdose."
As her eyes filled with tears, I stepped around the table and put my arms around her. She described the death as being a number of years ago, but I felt her "sag" in my arms as if it had just happened.
The Hotel Worker
Finally, as we packed up books, signs, and business cards, a hotel worker in her black uniform slipped up quickly to the table. "I want this book," she said.
"I saw it yesterday," she explained as she described the torment of her 27-year-old son, angry at God, lost in addiction.
Her eyes were tear-filled. "Maybe this will help."
Three mothers. One with a dead son, two with struggling adult children. One white, one black, and one Hispanic. Addiction can touch any family and so we pray:
Father, in the name of Jesus,
We lift up parents with addicted children. We do not pray in hopelessness as You are the God of all hope, and You can heal and save the most lost people among us.
Lord, we speak healing over all who are addicted that they might be set free. We pray that they would discover You and surrender their lives to You. We pray that You would break the spirit of addiction from them and put them in their right mind. Break the brain pathways that make them crave to use again. Let them encounter caring and skilled people to help them.
Father, most of all we pray strength into their parents, a fresh sense of Your love and caring for them. Be, as is promised in Your word, "near to the broken-hearted and those crushed in spirit." Lift them up to keep on. Help them to find the resources they need, to set good boundaries, and to stay healthy physically. Give them rest.
Thank You, Lord. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen
Copyright © 2020 Rev. Pam Morrison, used with permission.